
Tax challenges

Three Tax-Related Challenges and How to Overcome Them

For any business or individual, tax challenges take on different forms. These challenges range from sales tax challenges to state tax challenges and IRS challenges. While tax laws are constantly being updated to improve tax enforcement and make it easier for individuals and businesses, there are still many challenges faced by those who aren’t familiar with federal and state tax laws. While this issue can easily be resolved by hiring an income and business tax professional, it pays to learn more about the most common tax challenges and how you can overcome them.

Solutions for Top Tax Challenges

Most people wait until they receive the dreaded tax notice in the mail to take action, but all this could easily be avoided had they done their due diligence and hired a professional tax consultant who would help them navigate through the process. Keeping that in mind, here are a few of the solutions for the top tax-related challenges that are faced by businesses and individuals in California.

Offer in Compromise

An OIC is normally accepted by the taxing authority in order to resolve a tax problem. However, this is only acceptable if the amount being offered for settling the tax problem is either equal to or exceeds the Reasonable Collection Potential (RCP) of the said taxpayer. An RCP is a metric used by the IRS to measure the ability of the taxpayer to make their payments. In case you were wondering, the Reasonable Collection Potential of a taxpayer is calculated as the sum total of;

  • their assets, as in the amount that is collectible from their net realizable equity on their assets; and,
  • future income, or the amount that’s collectible from their expected future income.

Installment Agreement

It is also possible for an individual to make their payments in installments. This is a common way of resolving any tax challenges. However, it is crucial to seek out the help of a professional tax consultant before agreeing to an installment agreement. Since the taxing authority usually requires a larger monthly payment, it pays to hire a professional tax consultant who will keep your best interests in mind by getting you a reasonable installment agreement.

Full Payments and Paying the Correct Tax

Paying the exact amount of your taxes is a good practice to follow, but you will also need to work with a taxing authority in order to abate any penalty assessed. It is important here to note that penalty abatement cases are usually assessed based on reasonable cause rather than willful neglect. Additionally, you can pay the amount of the tax notice to avoid having to confront and explain yourself to a tax authority. However, this is not often considered the best route since the tax bill is oftentimes inaccurate.

You can always hire experienced tax planning and advisory services who serve for the business tax services in the Bay Area, including South Bay, Sunnyvale, San Jose, Milpitas, Fremont, East Bay, Trivalley, Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin, and San Ramon.

If all this has left you with a headache then turn Nidhi CPA, the experts in dealing with every tax situation from Asset Inheritance and Gift from Foreign countries and Repatriating Money from Foreign countries to FBAR Filing (Foreign Bank Account Reporting), Incorporation of US Entity by International Clients, International Tax reporting, compliance of selling property abroad, and other tax challenges.